Friday, January 6, 2012

More about camels than you ever wanted to know....

Remember the camel fighting (or camel wrestling, as I found it can more accurately be called) video I posted?  Well, the reason they're salivating and ready to fight is that they're ready to mate.  And, please realize, when I say salivating, I literally mean foaming at the mouth.

And that pink thing coming out of the side of his mouth?  Yeah, that's his soft palate.  Here's a closer shot, since I know you want to see that more clearly. 

So, not only does he drip foam from the mouth and expose the skin from the roof of his mouth, but he also makes guttural, garbage-disposal like sounds to go along with it.  Now, doesn't that sound attractive???

(Many thanks to N for the pictures!!!)

1 comment:

  1. I have to say that's more than I ever wanted to know about camels!
