Wednesday, April 4, 2012


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I'm currently teaching in Carrick, a city neighborhood in Pittsburgh, PA.  Most people in the northern suburbs of the city (where I live) only have a vague idea of where Carrick actually is, but are more familiar with nearby neighborhoods and boroughs such as Brookline or Baldwin.  While researching more about this area for this post, I came across this video from the Overbrook/Carrick Historical Society.  It's a little long, but interesting if you want to know a bit about the history of the neighborhood.

My students all live locally.  Why is Carrick an attractive location for this recent refugee population?  According to one site, it has access to public transportation and several business districts, many within walking distance for the refugee population.  Local churches and charity organizations have been active in helping the refugees adjust to life in America and integrate into the community here.  My students say they enjoy it here-especially the weather and the access to good health care.  They are determined to make a success of their time here in Pittsburgh-by finding jobs, raising their families and learning to adapt to American culture. 

1 comment:

  1. Just found out you're blogging again.
    It's quite a challenge to blog every day and I'll certainly look forward to reading your input.
