Saturday, April 14, 2012

L is for...

..umm...let's see...

I partly didn't get around to writing this post yesterday because I was travelling and I partly didn't write it because I'm stumped.  Yes, I'm stumped by the letter 'L'. 

I could write about London or Lausanne, Switzerland-places I've been-but you can already read about London on my blog here and here and about Switzerland here.

And for places I'd like to go...ummm...well, I suppose sometime it would be fun to go to Las Vegas.  Everyone says it's crazy and fun...but I have to admit, it's not really high on my list.  Or Louisiana...yeah, sometime I think it would be fun to be in New Orleans for Mardi Gras...but then I remember that I don't really like visiting crowded places...watching people engage in all kinds of debauchery.  

Hmmm...I think I need some more 'L' place suggestions! 


  1. there isn't as much debauchery as you might think at Mardi Gras. not if you're in the right place. however, it is about as crowded as you would expect.

  2. How about Lake Erie? Remember those when you traveled down from NY and met us?


  3. I wrote about Louisiana on my memoir blog. I've also been to Las Vegas a number of times. It's a pretty neat place to go.

    Hope everything is okay. Thanks for letting us know. We'll hold your place for you (although your number could change since we are cleaning up the list).

    A Faraway View
    An A to Z Co-host blog
